
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Plan... MY 10 things to a healthier happier me!

       What do I mean by "MY 10 things to a healthier happier me"? It is simply this... No one knows what will make you happy, but yourself. Everyone thinks they know what will make you healthy, but as much as something will for sure get you on the path to healthy living it's not as obtainable with all life styles!        A little about me... My name is Leslie, I am married to my 'Hubby' for 6 years now and I am a proud mother of 3 children, the 'B' who is 4 years old, 'A' who will be 2 in just a few days and 'E' who is almost 7 months. WHOA I know it's a hand full. I stay at home with them and watch my sister's three girls as well. I love being able to stay at home with my kids and raising them they way I think is best! I have a strange addiction to exclamation points, an obsession with Photography, a creative mind that I sometimes can't keep up with and unfortunately a dangerous love for food. I recently turned 28 and I'...