Packing packing and more packing.

     How many boxes does it take to pack a family of 5? That is the question!!

     It seems the more I pack, the more of a mess I make in my house. I often try and tell my self that's I'm an organized person and maybe when I am when I put my mind to it. So, when it comes to packing I am trying to do it in the most efficiant way possible. This means not only meticulously sorting threw ever little thing but also packing things that go together in the same box. However, I find things that don't belong to really anything I leave them out and about,... hence making more of a mess! My husband on the other hand likes to throw 'random stuff' in a box as fast as possible... It'd be nice if I could do the same, but since I know that's creating more work for me on the back end I'm resisting the urge to join in with him.
    We already have 2 storage units in a neighboring town that are basically full of boxes and stuff we won't need until after we move in.  I wish now I would have counted just how many boxes we've moved out so far. My guess would be 30+ but it might just seem like I've been packing in my sleep. We have 2 weeks from today until we close so I'm trying to get into packing mode as much as possible! My sister brought me a huge stack of newspaper! YAY! Not having packing material to help cushion things has killed any enthusiasm I had for packing the past week; despite having boxes to fill. Even now instead of packing I decided that writing a blog about this would be a much better idea than actually packing! HAHA

    So any words of wisdom for anyone that's moved recently or a lot in their life? How do you keep the energy going until your are all packed up? A loud and crazy playlist, or maybe a relaxing playlist to minimize the stress of packing, or Starbucks? I'm open to all suggestions! I wish a bottle or two of wine was an option but baby (still haven't decided on her name) might not be very happy about that solution.


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