#39... One book closer

YAY!! #39 on my 'list' is to finish all of my families "Year in Review books" Today I got one step closer to completing that! I finish AND ORDERED my 2010 Year in Review Book! I can't wait to get it in the mail. I ordered my 2012 Year in Review book in January and couldn't be happier with it.  It is truly amazing how easy it will be to look back at pictures of our growing family! If you are a shutter bug like me this is a great way to put all your photos together. Only 2 more family books to be all caught up then I will do a wedding one and if I can gather enough photos to scan I might even make one that has tons of our 'relationship' pictures. EK So excited!!

Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.com.

Does anyone else do this? 

Here's a tip... I'm already doing 2013... Month by month I'm updating it then when 2014 comes along I'll be able to order the previous year in a flash! 

(this is not a paid post BTW I just LOVE these books!)


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