Goals and Activities to Complete in 2013

        Looking back on the past year. My family as a whole did a lot less than I would have liked. Don't get my wrong we did many things, I have a whole 2012 'Year in review book' to prove it however I want to pack the year with even more great memories and get my family more active! One of the things are parents that we really want to do for our children is expose them to as many different areas as they want. How amazing would it be if your child could discover what it is that they truly love doing and start doing it at a young age. I remember in High School everyone took a questionnaire and when the results came back based on your answers it said what the best career would be best for you (according to how you answered things). I can't even remember what it said I should do but I wish I would have realized my love for photography early on it probably would have changed my high school a wee bit!
       This blog is completing in part the # 2 thing on 'my Plan' to the healthier happier family! I have made a list of things I want to do this year I want to have 104 things on the list 2 for each week basically... this is not a full list yet because I know as 2013 progresses I will find new things to do!

       Below are activities even though not all of them are physical activities, I do believe they will all promote an active life. As I complete these I will post a blog with pictures and how much it cost. They are color coded and once they are complete I will make them black and have a link to the blog that proves IT'S DONE! Yay!!

Color Codes... - To complete as... an individual, a couple, a family

1. Camp in MN
2. Go to the Balloon Festival 
3. Set up three or more of our square foot gardening boxes. 
4. Finish Backyard
5. Run a Half Marathon
6. Make puppets and let the kids make a shadow puppet show
7. Make a dinner using things grown from our garden
8. Finish writing 'The Book' (I'm assisting my hubby write his first novel)
9.  Read a Book Every Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
10. Teach Brayden and Aubrey to swim
11. Go to a Zoo in a different State
12. Go on a camping/Kayaking trip
13. Go Ice Skating Downtown DM
14. Brayden and Aubrey ride at least one Roller coaster
15. Take Brayden & Aubrey to Sky Zone - A trampoline company 
16. Leslie - Lose 50 lbs ; Brad - Lose 60 lbs
17. Go on a road trip
18. Go to the Alpine Slide
19. Go on an hot air balloon ride
20. Go on a 10+ mile bike ride
21. Go to kids to Magic Kingdom/Sea World
22. Go Turkey Hunting
23. Hike at Gooseberry Falls
24. Have a picnic
25. Make a bird house out of only things we find on a nature walk (plus some twine)
26. Go camping at least 20 times
27. Finish the 'Living Room'
28. Make puppets from scratch and Have a Puppet Show
29. Successfully recover a rocket after firing!
30. Have a Motorcycle road trip weekend
31. Tent camp in the backyard
32. Cook a meal using 'meat' Brad hunts
33. Finish the back deck
34. Go deer hunting
35. Get Family pictures taken on the beach
36. Teach Brayden to tie his shoes 
37. Go to the shooting range 
38. Decorate 2 Gingerbread houses (around Christmas 1 for the boys, 1 for the girls)
39. Finish all Year in Review Books for preview years (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
40. Finish decorating the master bedroom
41. Go to a Live Disney (or kids) musical/show
42. Go rock climbing - inside or out
43. Go to Story time at a library at least once a month
44. Family Painting day. (Every one paint their own canvas however you want!)
45. Pictures of kids every other month J/F M/A M/J J/A S/O N/D
46. Start geocaching Find at least 25 
47. Go to the MN Renaissance Festival with the kids & dress up!
48. Paint 2 canvas' for my bedroom
49. Design and Garden my front yard!
50. Plant a family tree
51. Keep 2013 Book up to date so that it's ready to order in January of 2014 
52. Make a Piece of Furniture from scratch for under $50 
53. Sew more clothes for the kids
54. Blog at least twice a week
55. Fly kites with the kids
56. Do 5 or more Projects from my pinterest boards!! Why Pin if I'm not doing anything with them!!


  1. Hooray for goals! I look back on when we were younger and know that I wasted so much time. Time doing things that weren't productive, time on people, time on worrying about people. I wish I had discovered this competitive/athletic (even if she's what I call a 'fat athlete' right now haha) person long ago but my parents just didn't direct me and that is something that I'm changing for my kids, they won't go through what I did and I will channel them more positively then negatively.


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