Keeping Busy!
One of my goals for this year to help with weight loss and healthy living as a whole is getting out of the house more with activities!! Within the last week I've been able to do just that!
Thursday the hubby and I took Brayden to Skyzone to jump on trampolines. It was from 11-12. At first I was wondering if that would be enough time, but after we were done I knew it was the prefect amount of time! We explored all the open areas, from free jumping (left), the foam pit (below), and the dodge ball area (not shown). Brayden was pooped when we left and he took an awesome nap!! Yay! Even Brad and I had a lot of fun and it was a really great workout, but if you have back problems I suggest you skip this type of workout! For anyone interested in doing this with your children check out their website for more details. It cost us $12 for all three of us to jump. If only one of us parents would have jumped it would have only been $6.
Saturday I woke up and was really excited for the day! I had it pretty full of events for the family. Unfortunately the hubby could barely move (I think he hurt his back during our trampoline adventure). He did come with us to our first activity which was story time at Barnes & Noble. Not only was this story time but it was story time with a special Visitor! Cat in the hat. Brad, my hubby had a rough time he was uncomfortable no matter what he tried and of course toward the end of the first book the story time reader shared he decided to walk around. My Sweet little Aubrey sensed weakness and decided to go explore... Of course with a 7 month old in my hands is wasn't easy to wrangle her back to watch the rest of the reading. We listened to "The Cat in the Hat" and "Green Eggs & Ham." Afterwards they took a picture with the Cat and each got a cookie! It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to next Saturday, which is story time and then puppet show. I think the puppet show will hold Aubrey's attention longer than the cat in the hat story time did!!

After story time we went home kids took a nap & then we were off to our next activity! SWIMMING.

why the big splash as the bottom of the slide didn't seem to bother him that much. Aubrey just LOVED splashing and going down the slides as well but what she really loved was climbing threw a tunnel in the bottom of the Pirate ship. Emma just enjoyed sitting in the water on my lap or Jennifer's lap. Neither of them wanted to leave but after over an hour of playing in the water we looked a lot like prunes so mamma said done for the day!!
Sunday we went to my mom's house for dinner but we were mostly lazy. Brad got in the hot tub which helped his back...momentarily. He will be visiting the Chiropractor today!! I did do some reading about a few health topics that I will share soon! :)
What did you keep busy this weekend?
Yay! I'm so proud of you! We really love storytimes at the library, you should look into those too!