BIGGEST Weight loss hurdle

     When I said I can overcome any hurdle that would come my way to getting in shape over the next year, I NEVER expected that my hurdle would be this big!!  What is this BIG hurdle you ask... Our family will be complete sometime in October with baby number 4! I've always known I wanted 4 children, however I was planning on getting pregnant the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014 either way I was planning on it after I met my weight loss goals! How can I continue to encourage my body to loose weight when I am pregnant!! AHH 

      I have to admit when I found out I was pregnant, I laughed. Life happens and you have to adjust. When this little one is born I will have 4 babies under 5 (even though my oldest will turn 5 two months after) and everyone certainly will have to adjust! It's been harder for me to eat the way I had planned and wanted to eat this year since I have found out I was pregnant. I mean let's be honest I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. Juicing has slowed to a halt because even though I've been reading a lot about juicing while pregnant. It lists many concerns but overall the verdict I seem to find it that it's ok, what I am reading is on the internet and I want to hear what my OBGYN.

What I have changed about the Juicing (Which I'm not doing nearly as much but I am still doing it.)

Juicing while Pregnant....

Peel... Sometimes you don't need to worry about taking off the peel (the recipes usually tell me which way to do it. If your not pregnant there's really no harm in juicing the peel into your drink (even though I defiantly recommend rinsing everything either way!). When your pregnant however peeling everything  it's an extra precaution to peel all fruit and veggies to avoid any unwanted bacteria. An example would be Carrots I didn't peel carrots before and now I am!

Organic... If possible I'm going to purchase organic produce that haven't been exposed to harmful pesticides while growing.

    Here is a recipe that I tried last week. I wasn't feeling good, mainly a soar throat but I wanted to drink a juice that would help my immune system. If you know anything about being pregnant you probably know that your everything first goes to the baby then you so sometimes your immunity to different things suck!

'Immune Power Fruit'
1 Orange, Peeled
1/2 Pineapple with skin, Sliced
1/2 cup strawberries
1 banana

Juice Orange, Pineapple and then strawberries; Place in a blender with the banana and liquefy. I took the skin off the Pineapple for this recipe! It was very yummy! Note: Anything with Banana in it does make the juice thicker if you don't like thick drinks add some water to help liquify it even more!! 

Helps with; The common cold, Insomnia

      This next recipe I actually haven't tried yet but as I was looking through the different thing the juice above helps I saw a bunch that this drink helped so I had to share!

'Immune Power Vegetable'
2 Garlic Cloves
1/4 inch slice of ginger
Handful of Parsley
4 carrots
1 Apple, cut into wedges
1 cup Jerusalem artichokes (optional)

Place garlic and ginger in center of the parsley; push through juice with carrot. Alternate remaining ingredients. (I will probably take off the outer part of the ginger.) Little addition information to those new to recipes and juicing. Both my husband and I didn't know what ginger actually was or where at the grocery store to find it. Your actually looking for ginger root. It is indeed a root and you can find it in the produce section! :)

Helps with; Bladder infection, Boils, Bronchitis & Pneumonia, Common cold, Eczema, Hepatitis, and Psoriasis.

     Both of these recipes are from 'The Complete Book of Juicing'. Most juice recipes are listed in the 'Juice as Medicine chapter for at lest one thing, but Immune Power Vegetable defiantly was listed under the most conditions!

TIP #1: I would do half as much Garlic unless you really like the taste and smell of garlic.
TIP #2: When they say 1/4 inch slice of ginger... from juicing what I have I have come to the conclusion that it's basically a 1/4 inch cube that you want... but to be safe because it is a bitter taste I'd do 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/8

     My goal of getting active I am hoping to stay the same as I had planned even though I'm pregnant, I want to make sure I'm as active as pregnantly possible! :) Now, I'll have to also adjust my 2013 goals list... since I don't think I will be able to go skydiving or lose 50lbs this year... but I guess that makes my 2014 goal list a little easier to make!

**Even though I am announcing this on my blog I'm not making it Facebook official (on my profile) until I'm 12 weeks! So if we are FB friends hush hush!**


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